Golden Artist Colors Isolation Coat 32oz

Golden Artist Colors Isolation Coat 32oz

$25.12 / EA

Golden Artist Colors Isolation Coat 32oz

Golden Isolation Coat is a ready-to-use permanent sealing coat for acrylic paintings. Previously acrylic artists' only recourse was to dilute Soft Gel Gloss with water (our former and still acceptable recommendation) before applying it to completed acrylic artwork. Isolation Coat eliminates the need to measure and mix while increasing flow and leveling. Isolation coat seals surface absorbency and allows for improved varnish application and easier varnish removal. Apply one or more layers before varnishing.

An isolation coat can be applied to acrylic paintings to unify and protect the surface. Sealing an acrylic painting with an isolation coat prior to varnishing ensures an even application of varnish and provides a layer of protection if/when varnish is removed.

An isolation coat should dry within approximately 10-30 minutes of application. It is best to allow the isolation coat to dry one day before applying a varnish. If there is a time period of two weeks or greater in between the application of the isolation coat and the varnish, it may be necessary to wipe the surface of the isolation coat down with a soft, lint free damp rag in order to remove any surfactants that could cause a lack of adhesion with the varnish layer.

SKU Number
$35.89 / EA
Your Price
$25.12 / EA
4.00 LB
Quantity Available